September 2024 Work Party
The work party for 14th September 2024 consisted of 11 volunteers with over 77 hours of work being carried out. A well attended work party, with another new volunteer coming out for the first time. The work party was very successful with all of the planned work at the Bantrach and Aucheorn Cuttings being either completed or progressed in good weather conditions as follows:
- Overgrown drainage ditch in the Aucheorn Cutting was partially cleared.
- 500m of drainage ditches in the Bantrach Cutting cleared of vegetation.
Additional unplanned Work:
- No additional work was carried out.
Other points to note:
- No injuries or near misses were reported.
- Further undergrowth and drainage works required in the Aucheorn Cutting to clear the ditches.
- Further infilling of dips and puddles in the Bantrach Cutting required, along with blinding over rough patches with quarry dust.
- Leaning trees in the Bantrach cutting need to be felled before they fall over and damage the cutting slopes and rock faces.