We really want to hear from you about your trip along the Dava Way. If you have used the Dava Way recently please either complete the short survey below or get in touch with us direct on enquiry@davaway.org.uk

Using the Dava Way
Please tell us about how you used the Dava Way – what section, when you used the path, how you used the path, what you liked and what was not so good.

When did you use the Dava Way?

When did you use the Dava Way?

Please let us know what the date was when you used the Dava Way

Where did you join the Dava Way?

Where did you join the Dava Way?

How far did you go?

How far did you go?

What was the furthest point that you reached?

Did you have any problems?

Did you have any problems?

This could be anything from a difficult gate to a muddy sections or finding the surface too rough (or steep). Please let us have as much detail as you can so that we can identify the issue and fix it.

What did you particularly like?

What did you particularly like?

Where there any highlights that made it special for you?

Please can we get in touch with you if we need more information? If so please let us have your name and phone number or email address below.

Please can we get in touch with you if we need more information? If so please let us have your name and phone number or email address below.

NB these details will be confidential and will only be used to get in touch in case we need to discuss your comments further.