August 2024 Work Party
The work party for 10th August 2024 consisted of 16 volunteers with over 125 hours of work being carried out. This was the most well attended work party for several years, with some new volunteers coming for the first time. The work party was very successful with most of the planned work at the Bantrach Cutting and other locations being completed or progressed in good weather conditions as follows:
- Weed control spraying completed on the Lynmore Bypass north and south sections.
- Organic accumulations removed from the 2 wooden bridge decking on the Lynmore Bypass south section. The new cordless pressure washer was used to help wash the dirt out of the decking gaps.
- 600m of drainage ditches in the Bantrach Cutting cleared of vegetation and 5 tonnes of organic ditch arisings removed from the path verges using the tipping trailer.
- Dips and puddles in the Bantrach Cutting were infilled with 1.8 tonnes of sub-base.
Additional unplanned Work:
- Replacement of the Dunphail Breathing Place information board progressed.
Other points to note:
- No injuries or near misses were reported.
- Further drainage works required in the Bantrach Cutting east and west sides prior to the winter storms.
- Further infilling of dips and puddles in the Bantrach Cutting required, along with blinding over rough patches with quarry dust.