Saturday’s work party, consisting of 12 volunteers doing 90 hours of work on the Dava Way. It was very successful with all the planned work being satisfactorily completed as follows:
- Undergrowth and trees cut back and removed from the cutting north of the Clashdhu crossing. It is now ready for the mini digger trial at the end of the month to improve the drainage through the cutting.
- Railway drainage pipe unblocked and substantial ditching work with a mini tractor digger, 100m north of Peathillock Bridge.
- Surface improvement work carried out adjacent ditching work to raise the path level and prevent future flooding.
Additional unplanned Work:
- Low branches and encroaching undergrowth cut back between Peathillock Bridge and the Drummine Farm crossing.
- 2 small holes north and south of the Drummine Farm crossing were filled and compacted.
Other points to note:
- No injuries or near misses were reported
- Further lopping of undergrowth and low branches required between Drummine and Clashdhu crossing