Work Party March 2025
The work party for 8th March 2025 consisted of 13 volunteers with over 100 hours of work being carried out in the warm spring sunshine. The work party was very productive with all of the planned work being either completed or progressed as follows:
- At Dava North, ditches and culverts were cleared, offsets and bunds created. The path surface was improved with 2 tonnes of quarry material and compacted with the walker plate.
- At the north end of the Belnain cutting a blocked pile was rodded as far as possible and drainage improved/cleared on the Dunphail bypass path.
- South of the Longley Farm crossing the undergrowth over the drainage was cut back and the ditches cleared for about150m on both sides of the path.
Additional unplanned Work:
- Gorse cut back at Jess the Dog info point and at the Bogeney farm crossing gate.
- Drainage and surface improvements at the Woodside muddy puddles using 1 tonne of quarry material from our stockpile of sub-base.
Other points to note:
- Further drainage works required to unblock the drainage pipe at the Belnain cutting.
- Further drainage works required south of Longley.
- Further drainage works required at the Woodside muddy puddles to replace failed culvert pipes.
- There were no reportable injuries or incidents during the work party