December 2023 Work Party
The work party for 9th December 2023 consisted of 12 volunteers and carried out 70 hours of work at the Dallas Dhu Ramp area and at the Rafford Bridge path junction. It was very successful with all of the planned work being satisfactorily completed:
- The undergrowth and tree branches at the top of the Dallas Dhu were cleared in preparation for an upgrade of the ramp access.
- A replacement fingerpost sign was erected on a galvanised post base at the Rafford Bridge path junction.
Additional unplanned Work:
- Encroaching undergrowth was cut back on the vehicle access track north of Dallas Dhu in preparation for an upgrade of the ramp access
Other points to note:
- No injuries or near misses were reported
- Some large scale tree works required in preparation for the upgrade of the ramp access