February 2024 Work Party
The work party for 10th February 2024 consisted of 7 volunteers and carried out 40 hours of work. It was very successful with all of the planned work being satisfactorily completed as follows:
- Standing water drained and mud removed from the Squirrelneuk bridge junction.
- Flooded section of path drained by clearing and enlarging the existing offset ditch at the south end of the woodside muddy puddles section of the path.
- 1.7 tonnes of quarry material was laid and compacted to raise the path level through the flooded section previously drained.
- Further drainage works and surface mud scrapes on the rest of the woodside muddy puddles section of path.
Additional unplanned Work:
- Mud removed from the Newtyle forestry track section near the Bill McRitchie bench.
Other points to note:
- No injuries or near misses were reported.
- Further drainage works required on the Muddy Puddles section to prevent water seepage onto the path from the high side. Ditches and culverts required.
- Surface improvements to the Muddy Puddles section after the aforementioned drainage works.