May 2024 Work Party
The work party for 11th May 2024 consisted of 8 volunteers and carried out 52.5 hours of work. It was very successful with all of the planned work at the Heatherbells Cutting being completed as follows:
- Over 200 metres of existing railway drainage pipes accessed and cleared using drainage rods.
- Drainage ditch improvements in the cutting to improve water flow off the path and into the old railway drainage pipes.
- 5 tonnes of quarry material was laid to raise the path level to prevent future flooding across the path surface.
- 1.5 tonnes of ditching arisings removed from the cutting.
- Replacement information boards fitted at Dunphail and Bantrach. Mountain posts and boards replaced as necessary.
Additional unplanned Work:
- No additionall work was carried out
Other points to note:
- No injuries or near misses were reported.
- Further drainage works required to the NE of Heatherbells cutting to take drained water across the moor.