Foxhill Cutting Drainage Project
The Foxhill Cutting drainage improvement project consisted of 3 days of work with a mechanical micro digger, two days in early September (7th & 8th) and one day in October (6th). The objective of the project was to investigate the cause of ground water seepage onto the path trackbed at the north end of the cutting and to carry out appropriate drainage works to remedy the problem.
In pursuit of these objectives, a total of 4 Volunteers carried out 90.5 hours of work at the north end of the Foxhill Cutting (located 1 mile north of Dava). It was very successful with all of the planned work being satisfactorily completed as follows:
- A shallow 100m ditch was created on the NW side of the cutting water seepage off the path trackbed.
- Drainage pipe was installed to connect the end of the new ditch to an outfall point clear of the cutting/embankment transition.
- Approximately 25 tonnes of ditching spoil was removed from the cutting by tipping trailer to an agreed dumping area on the adjacent embankment..
Additional unplanned Work:
- Approximately 100m of of path trackbed was scraped of vegetation and mud, and removed from the cutting.
- A temporary repair to the concrete drainage channel on the SE side of the cutting was carried out to maintain drainage water flow in it.
Other points to note:
- No injuries or near misses were reported
- Further surface improvements required to provide a wide smooth path on the centreline of the old railway trackbed.
- The concrete drainage channel needs to be cleared of vegetation and debris along it’s entire length and broken sections replaced as necessary.