August 2023 Work Party
The work party for 12th August 2023 consisted of 11 volunteers and carried out 67 hours of work on the southern end of the Dava Way. It was very successful with most of the planned work being satisfactorily completed or progressed as follows:
- Long grass cut either side of the path centreline, using the ride-on mower, from Lyngacregor to the Huntley’s Cave crossing.
- Undergrowth, trees and low branches cut back/felled as necessary, between Huntley’s Cave Cutting to the edge of the Dava Moor, to improve path width and head clearances.
Additional unplanned Work:
- Rotten information Board removed at the Huntley’s Cave crossing. A replacement board and posts will be erected when manufactured.
Other points to note:
- No injuries or near misses were reported
- Drainage work required north of the Huntley’s Cave cutting to keep water seepage off the path.
- Further tree work required north of the Huntley’s Cave cutting to allow path users more space to keep away from the steep ravine edge.