January 2023 Work Party
Saturday’s work party, consisting of 11 volunteers, did 86.5 hours of work on the Dava Way. It was very successful with all the planned work being satisfactorily completed or progressed as follows:
- 200m of drainage ditch cleaned of vegetation and organic debris in Aucheon cutting south end.
- Electronic footfall counter installed at the Dunphail Breathing Place.
- 100m shallow ditch created on the west side of the path at the north end of the Cairn Eney cutting
Additional unplanned Work:
- Drainage channels, off-lets and ditches cleaned between Aucheon cutting and Dunphail Breathing Place.
Other points to note:
- No injuries or near misses were reported
- At least 300m of drainage ditch still requires cleaning at the north end of the Aucheon cutting